The Ladies Aid, now called the ALCW is the oldest society of the con-gregation. It was in the beginning a non-sectarian society, but was reorgan-ized as a Lutheran Aid Society by the Rev. W. Zank in 1920. Since its or-ganization it has always tried to be a willing handmaid of the Lord. It was and is still today a great help in financial and social needs of the congrega-tion. Of the charter members, only Mrs. Herman Harms and Katherine Dickman survive to celebrate the 50th anniversary.
On October 24, 1960 the Ladies Aid was reorganized due to the church merger and renamed St. Peter Lutheran Church Women. At this time, the group was divided into two circles with Ruth Circle meeting in the afternoon, and Esther Circle meeting in the evening.
Present officers are as followings:
President - Dorothy Jelken | Stewardship Chrm. - Janice Renken |
Vice Pres. - Clare Krienert | Ruth Circle Chrm - Lucille Plueger |
Secretary - Joyce Willer | Esther Circle Chrm. - Cherly Dickman |
Treasurer - Carol Willer | |
Education Chrm. - Lois Varenhorst |
Membership consists of all adult women of the church.