Say, what are they doing down there on that old gravel street? Why it looks like there grading it and getting it ready to -dome more paving. Yes, the town council is making plans to hard surface all remaining streets in 1962 or 1963. Wouldn't you say that was pretty good for the town which burned down thirty years ago. The old town has done a lot of living since it "died" way back then. For people who are acquainted with this little spot on the map, there's nothing unusual about making our dreams come true. These Brunsvillites are people who enjoy making the impossible come alive. Yes, they are people who see what needs to be done and then they do it. It may take a little time, but they usually get it done. Now take for instance that group over there across the street. They are lay- ing out the foundation of the new community recreation center, where the kids can play basketball all through the cold winter and rollerskate and dance and play ping-pong. And, say, what's going on up there on the hill. A new swimming pool you say. Well, that shouldn't surprise you. Dreams you say — sure just like the paved streets and water system. But they get them, those Brunsville folks. In-cidentally, that swimming pool dream is 50 years old. Yep, the first mayor, Charlie Richards, had it way back then. You know, we never could leave down an honored citizen of our town. If the people of Brunsville will continue to work toward the day when their dreams can be fulfilled, the future will indeed be a bright one for them. Some people say that the small town -is through, that it will soon dry up and blow away. That statement may be true as a rule, but there are always excep-tions to the rule. Brunsville has always been an exception as it never was blessed with any of the natural aids to growth and prosperity. Its greatest as- set has always been the great determination of its residents not to give up. Those who would criticize us for lack of progress, might consider the odds.
Those factors which seem to spell the end for many small towns, may act in reverse for our town. Take the automobile, which has enabled us to travel more freely to do our shopping and to find entertainment. By the same token, it makes it possible for us to live further from Vie place of employment. It is a simple matter for people to live in Brunsville and work in Le Mars or Sioux City. Electric lights and an adequate water system make it possible for people living here to enjoy all the modern conveniences available to people living in cities. This will become all the more apparent when we complete our street improve- ment program and county roads to the North and South have been hard surfaced. In addition, there are today, many choice building lots at reasonable prices and a tax rate substantially lower than that found in adjoining towns and cities. A population increase of 17% from 1940 to 1960 would seem to indicate that some people have begun to think along these lines. Another factor which will definitely affect the future of Brunsville and for that matter every town and city throughout the country is the increasing rate of growth of population in our nation. Indeed, there are experts in the field of population trends who feel that in perhaps another one hundred years standing room will be hard to find. Most of us hope that day will never come, but if present trends continue there is no doubt that additional room must be found for our increasing population and those areas lying near larger cities and towns will be thee first to feel the effects of this increase. If any one doubts this, look at the way houses are springing up along Hwy. 75 North of Sioux City, and also the many new subdivisions in our county seat. So it appears that there are two contradictory trends in evidence in our community, that of a declining agricultural population and of an increasing urge of people living in cities to get back to small towns for suburban type living. Those small towns which are progressive and have confidence in their future can expect to feel the full impact of the latter trend with its accompaning growth. It isnt going to happen overnight in town's such as ours, but the trend has started and it will continue as long as we are willing to show our confidence in the future, by making civic improvements as fast as possible. This then is our history and a prediction of our future. It will indeed be in-teresting to open these pages again in twenty-five or fifty years to see where we have been right or where we have errored and being human, error we will.