Front row, left to right: Harold Harms, Jack Borchers, Rev. O. I. Rossing, Herman Harms, Virgil Borchers
Second row: Alvin Jelken, Rod Renken, Bill Renken, Harold Jelken
The men of the church organized into the Brotherhood of St. Peter church following World War II. We meet once each month except during the summer. Over the years, the Brotherhood has had many projects one of which was to provide leadership for the farming project carried on for a number of years with the help of others in the congregation. Other projects would include an annual Laymen's Sunday, parish conservation work, and financial aid to the Christian Crusaders radio broadcast. The brotherhood is always willing to take up any cause which will strengthen the church at home or away. Officers are: Harold Harms, President; Gene Dickman, Secretary; and Alvin Jelken, Treasurer.