Those who know Brunsville best know that it has never been a town content to rest on its laurels. No, these are people who are always looking for something bigger and better. To prove this point consider the following examples. A few years after World War II, the town council and other interested folks in town realized a need for a public water system. This had been a dream of former mayor Ted Harms, but the cost of such a system kept it from becoming a reality. They had some years prior to this built a public well and large cistern to be used in case of fire. In the years that past, many improvements had been made in pressure water systems and the council heard that a small town in Nebraska had such a system. Members of the council investigated this system, found it adequate for our needs and felt we could swing it financially. Work was started in the spring of 1951, finished before fall and a brand new $8,500 00 water system was built and paid for upon completion. This was accomplished by assessing each individual householder, who wished the water piped into his house for a proportionate share of the cost. Since the original in-vestment many improvements have been made, including a 36 foot open well with much greater capacity than the old sand point originally in use. At pres- ent, there are only a few homes in town which are not "hooked up." For fire protection, there are seven hydrants located so that all of the town's dwellings and business places are within 150 feet of one of the hydrants.

It was only a few years after completion of the water system that another "dream" began to take shape. The folks at St. Peter's church had known for many years that their church building was inadequate for modern needs of wor-ship and instruction. It wouldn't be fair to say that this was strictly a town af- fair as it really was a joint venture of the farm and town folks that make up the congregation. The project really got a running start in 1950 when the congregation rented 80 acres of land from Aunt Vera (Harms). This project was blessed by bountiful crops and a building fund was started from the proceeds of the harvest. After many years of planning, the congregation felt they had sufficient funds to be- gin building their new church edifice and work was started in the spring of 1955. All during the summer, fall and winter they toiled and in May 1956, the $50,000.00 building was dedicated. Pastor A. F. Zenk was serving the congrega-tion at this time. In the years since the second world war, a number of new homes have been built by people who feel that Brunsville is a good place to live or raise a family. Main street was improved by the addition of the new locker plant and meat processing establishment. Numerous remodeling have also taken place, some because of the now available water and others to make more room or just to get up to date. Among other things of major importance is the street improvement project during 1959 when about six blocks were paved with hot asphaltic cement. The cost of this work was $8,300.00 and most folks will agree it was money well spent. It might be said that this project was completed without it becoming necessary for the town to go into debt. As this is the final chapter, It might be fun to look into the crystal ball to see what's coming up in the not to distant future. The future is always clouded, but it is clearing a bit and you can see a new, well almost new, building on a familiar corner of town. Why, that's the bank corner and the old building is getting a brand new front and an addition. Gee, that new brick front looks nice, doesn't it.

Brunsville, Iowa